9th and 10th Intensive Specialist Courses: The Historic Architecture of The Old City of Jerusalem
Funded By:
Establishment of An Institute for Preservation of Architectural Heritage in Jerusalem
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 Two short intensive courses were carried out between 22/6/2013 - 17/07/2013 and 13/10/2013 - 28/11/2013 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
30 participants (including engineers and workers in the field of heritage conservation) attended the courses that was given by Dr. Yusuf Natsheh within 8 training days each. The two courses explored the concept of (The Historic Architecture of the old city of jerusalem) and focused on the following topics:

Understanding the basic (international) principles of heritage conservation processes in historic lived-in environments in order to devise informed strategies for the conservation of heritage sites
Recognizing methods for the historic research and evaluating historic buildings in old Palestinian cities and defining their significance
documenting and analysing existing material and structural conditions of heritage sites and buildings, diagnosing causes of deterioration, with particular reference to living environments and socio-economic conditions in areas of conflict
Identifying priorities for appropriate project management approaches and conservation interventions (including monitoring and maintenance) at a heritage place.

These two courses are part of the efforts to establish an applied training institute for practitioners and professionals in the preservation of architectural heritage , and offer capacity building and applied training for engineers, architects, contractors and skilled labour involved in conservation.